个人履历 / Biography


1980年在美国21个城市举办“个人作品巡回画展”,获得美国圣地亚哥市赠予的“金钥匙”,纽约曼哈顿区将当年的10月1日定为“韩美林日”;创作动画片《狐狸打猎人》,获南斯拉夫第四届萨格拉布国际动漫电影节“最佳美术奖”。1983年韩美林的6幅作品入选联合国发行的圣诞卡。2003年获世界艺术家协会(美国)“世界艺术贡献奖”。2004年获世界艺术家协会(美国)颁发的“世界艺术大师奖”和美国前总统布什颁发的“总统教育奖”。2011年被《环球时报》评为“最受全球关注的中国人物”;获中华人民共和国文化部颁发的“中华艺文奖终身成就奖”;在中国国家博物馆举办了“韩美林艺术大展”,盛况空前。 2012年“母与子”系列雕塑作品获世界知识产权组织“版权金奖”。2013年12月21日首个“韩美林日”在中国设立。2015年获联合国教科文组织“和平艺术家”称号,成为中国美术界获此殊荣的第一人。2016年 “美林的世界-韩美林全球巡展”启动,以“致敬文艺复兴、回归民族之根、履职文化担当”为宗旨,先后于威尼斯、北京、巴黎等地举办个展,被威尼斯大学授予“荣誉院士”称号。在中国的杭州、北京、银川三地均建有韩美林艺术馆,积极推动社会美育和国际文化交流。2018年,国际奥委会为韩美林颁发“顾拜旦奖”(COUBERTIN MEDAL),以表彰其为奥林匹克运动发展做出的杰出贡献。同年10月,韩国政府为表彰他在中韩文化艺术交流领域的突出贡献,特授予其“韩国文化勋章”。




  Born in Jinan, Shandong Province in 1936, and graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Design, Han Meilin is known as an industrious explorer and practioner of art. His works include painting, calligraphy, sculpture, ceramics, dyeing, logo design and even writing. He draws the marrow of Chinese folk art and the culture dating back to the period before Han Dynasty (202 BC-220AD), and displays those elements in his works in modern art forms.
  In 1980, he held his art exhibition in 21 cities in the United States and was given the “Golden Key” of the city of San Diego as an honorary citizen; in the same year his cartoon The Fox and the Hunter won the Best Fine Arts Prize of the 4th Zagrab International Cartoon &Animation Festival in Yugoslavia. In 1983, six of his works were elected as UN’s Christmas card pictures. In 2003 and 2004, he was granted the honor of special contribution to world art and the world art master prize by the World Artists Association. In 2004, he was granted the President’s Award for Educational Excellence by the former US president George Bush. Han Meilin has made great contribution to promote the development and exchange of art and culture. He has been invited to foreign countries such as Japan and India for art and culture exchange and been topped the list of “The Most Global-Concerned Chinese Characters” by Global Times in 2011. He has two Han Meilin Art Galleries located in Beijing and Hangzhou.
  His masterpieces include calligraphy of ancient characters album: The Sealed Book; large urban sculptures: A Group of Tigers, Emperor Shun Plowing the Fields, Five Dragons Clock Tower, (Atlanta, USA), The King Qian Shooting the Tide, Fire Phoenix, Fire Phoenix Greeting Auspicious, A Hundred Birds Worship the Phoenix; design works: logo of Air China, Mascots of 2008 Beijing Olympic Games—Fuwa; collection of paintings: Mountain Flowers in Full Bloom, Meilin, Selection of Painting Works of Han Meilin and Selection of Sculpture Works of Han Meilin; collection of essays: Quotation from Han Meilin, Narrative of Han Meilin, Han Meilin’s Human Body Painting Album, The Full Moon Returns—Teaching Sketch Collection of Han Meilin’s Human Body, Masticating and Ingesting Landscape—Han Meilin’s Landscape Painting Album, Good Bow in Hands—Han Meilin’s Chinese Calligraphy Album etc.
  Han Meilin is now the member of Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, member of China Central Research Institute of Culture and History, Director of Ceramics Committee of the China Artists Association, Vice Chairman of the United World Chinese Association, Honorary Academician of Chinese Culture Research Institute, Chairman of the Calligraphy and Painting Committee of the China Crafts and Art Society, Standing Committee Member of China Peaceful Unification Promotion Agency, professional writer of China Writers Association, professor and Vice Director of Academic Committee of Tsinghua University, Doctoral supervisor of National Academy of Arts of China.